Released in June 2020, this report is a collaboration between researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the non-profit organization City Life/Vida Urbana. This report provides rigorous research, systematically analyzing who faces evictions in Boston.
Download this report to explore findings such as:
Enter your info below to download the full 83 page report.
The Executive Summary has the most important findings. Download the Executive Summary (PDF, 7 pages)
When: Monday, June 29th from 1–2 PM
Where: Register at
On Monday, June 29th City Life/Vida Urbana will be releasing their report on the impact of evictions on communities of color in Boston. Join us to learn more about their findings & hear from organizers across the country about how they are seeing evictions used to displace communities of color.
We'll be joined by organizers at Jane Place Neighborhood Sustainability Initiative, Housing Justice League and BASTA Austin to find out what they are doing to fight back against evictions targeting communities of color & what work is happening on the ground to brace for a wave of mass evictions as moratoriums across the county come to an end.
Speakers will be available for interviews upon request after the webinar.
Spanish interpretation will be provided.
Habrá interpretación simultanea al español.
Línea Para Hispanohablantes
Número: 1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Código: 989-000-9035